October 17
Tried Ryan's kombucha drink. And oh boy! I was a jumping ball in practice. I was burning with energy. First time I took of my shirt in the middle of the class. I felt so hot. My energy was on fire. I didn't feel tired at all. My tremors are still there. But I sure am stronger. I love it.
I just realized yoga is something my body needs. It cant really be undone anymore. Its a lifestyle now. My muscles kind of looks for the poses. Besides I like what it has done to my body. No one can believe I have 3 kids and im 44yrs old.
October 18
Hot A with Emma today was FANTASTIC. I was full of energy. Flexibility and balance. I love it when my mind doesn't wonder about 100 different things. By far staying focused has helped me achieve not only poses in practice, but as I carry this even outside the mat, things started manifesting in my life. FOCUS is something I have honed through yoga
Oh another insight I gained through yoga is being still and having clear thoughts. This one trait that helped me less judgemental. Because without data then there is no source of belief systems. Thus no basis of judgment. Zero data also helped me detach from places, events, people and things. Thus less pain for losses. Learnings on the mat can truly be applied in the outside world. And believe me, it works in achieving your highest intentions.
October 19
Did back to back. The wisdom and power yoga brings is that with focus and determination I can do anything. With the divine that abides in me I am limitless.
October 20
I dedicated my ashtangga practice to all my coaching projects. Every difficult pose I executed with 100% for the fulfillment of my coachees self ACTUALIZATION. I also dedicated my practice to CRIBS & IPF. 2 of my most loved foundation. My highest intentions is that I continue to genuinely support them with unconditional love. A beautiful insight today when I saw the girls at CRIBS this morning. The exchange of energies was priceless.
October 22
Im dedicating my hot A class tonight to my coaching /benchmarking session tomorrow til thursday. To every coachee who will experience facilitation through me self actualize. For every difficult pose I dedicate their highest meaning. To every breath I rise for their peak performance. Yoga has become a giving practice for me. As I continue healing, I continue to give more unconditionally thus making life more meaningful.
October 27
Missed the mat for 4 days. I had 3 coaching workshops and meetings from tuesday til Friday. Being the mat after a busy week gets me back to ground and center. I took an easy time at hot C, now im waiting for led ashtangga. Kinda felt the need for 2 classes today to make up for lost time. And it sure felt good. With the calm and still mind, body and spirit, ive noticed tremors are lessened. And this week as I did the 3 workshops, im so amazed w my energy. On all those days, it would start at 6am n end at 12mn. And the workshops were all successful. What can I say?
Im proud and grateful for the time I give for myself.
October 28
Im so proud n grateful to myself for setting and dedicating time for my yoga practice. Despite the busy coaching schedule, I have this week, I was still able to complete 5 classes. One thing yoga taught me is FOCUS. im so surprised that despite my super hectic schedule I didn't have tremors in classes today. Not only is my stamina impressive but PD is obviously diminished. I stick to my highest intentions of helping facilitate self ACTUALIZATION. Life is so blessed and beautiful.
October 30
Very grateful with my practice tonight. Energy exchange was totally intense. Im not kidding tremors have dramatically decreased. I am continuously healing inside out. Ive been getting compliments about looking young and calm/composed. Even coaching career is manifesting greatness. The results of quieting my mind is allowing clear n pure inspiration. The divine in me honors the divine in you.