September 1
Having yoga as part of my routine is changing not only my physiology but also my mindset. Slowly letting my ego down and letting God make miracles happen. It's transforming me inside out.
The poses surely develops a flexible, balanced and healthy body, but the beauty of what happens on the mat can bring a lot of changes and beauty in this world. It enriches my focus, especially with my profession as a Meta Coach.
September 4
I am at Yoga+ as early as 7am because I take my youngest daughter to school in Enderun. What started as a way to beat PD AND LOSE WEIGHT started to have more depth. I started more than 2 months of practicing an average of 5 times a week. Its not enough. Not only does my physical body look for it, but more so has it become part of my being. As I come into Child's Pose and pray before practice, I noticed I pray differently. I acknowledged more of God's presence in me rather than Him being an outside force. I am beginning to acknowledge my weaknesses and limitations and embrace them. I am beginning to FOCUS & COMMIT myself to things that serve the highest intention of my existence. I am filled with intuition and discerning wisdom. I am transformed. And its beautiful.
Oh, and I came into a handstand today. Assisted, though. :)
September 6
Glad to meet myself on the mat again today. Doing 9:00am and 12:30pm back to back. As I knelt to childish pose once again and prayed for my intentions. Today I asked to be abundantly prospered. I want to be blessed so I can be a blessing to others. Not only financially, but in all other areas of ones life.
I notice myself calmer, sleeping better, loving others and myself more genuinely. I pray and think more positively without worry, fear and anxiety. I am assured that God always is and always will be with me, thus making EVERYTHING possible. There maybe pain and failure every now and then, but it just makes me listen to my inner self more. TO WIN THE OUTER GAME WE FIRST NEED TO WIN OUR INNER GAME. And this can be achieved.
And I reached my heel at Camel Pose today. Yay!
September 8
I met a tree in Caylabne last Friday. I spoke to while hugging it with unconditional love. I told the tree to exchange energies with me. I gave her my appreciated gratitude for its nourishment while I ask her to take all my negativity including PD and bury it away to the deepest core of the earth. So tomorrow as I look forward to my practice I have a better feel of my tree pose. As I turn 44 on Tuesday my life is more about being grounded like a tree. My highest intentions is to stay focus and committed.
September 9
In the stillness of my practice today, I noticed I was not shaking. And even if I did not practice Friday and Saturday, my body has muscle memory of the practice. As I lay in childs pose and listen to my breathing, my intentions were so clear. To simply love and take care of myself unconditionally. This made me also think how grounded I can be. As I did the balancing poses, I began to visualize myself as a strong and tall tree. This essential learning today makes me confident to face the world unbroken. My practice today reinforced my truth. I AM WORTHY. Thanks Will, for the great energy exchange today.
September 10
Today's feature class was very deep. It got me beyond physical. It made a strong affirmation of my recent enlightenment that God and I are one. And with this new found faith, I know I can do anything. I liked when she asked us to hold each other sides by side. The metaphor was we are all connected to each other. If one loses focus and falls, then its like a domino. Everyone else falls. So the practice taught me that I should be conscious in everything I say, think, feel and do. Because it can affect anyone. Today I officially conspire with the universe. I am blessed that I can experience yoga almost everyday. The stillness keeps me well grounded and non-judgemental.
I am who I am. Authentic and true. I am a certified MetaCoach. I am mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend and lover. I am unique and the same. As the spirit in you is the spirit it me. Live life. Be limitless. Achieve your highest form.
September 11
Today I turn 44. As I wait for ashtangga practice, I ponder. What have I done so far. I've figured, I enjoyed life, fought and battled some challenges. Rose above every fall. Smiled after I cried. Resilient despite of. Bottom line, I embrace whatever comes my way. I may have let some lessons slip by, but I now know what I want. Through yoga, my soul became quieter and calmer. And it is through stillness that I get to listen. I now listen more to people. And this becomes my asset as a MetaCoach. I am so ready. Yoga has taught me, though still in progress. I'm a lot more focused and committed on things that serves my highest meaning and peak performance.
I love the spirit in you that is also in me. Salute to my creator for a new day, a new year, a new hope filled with faith and trust. ALL IS WELL.
September 13
Day by day yoga changes me. When Dinah said in class that we need both mind and body in class, it made me think of mindful awareness. Last night's energy exchange was so good, something I wanted, I got right after practice. With very little knowledge on how, I simply see the universe conspiring to everything I need, even everything I want.
Yoga has taught me to be mindful of my thoughts, words and action. Therefore I declare that I am not my body. And whatever my body has does not define me.
On the otherhand, I am my soul and my soul is pure. LOVE, PEACE AND JOY. NAMASTE
September 14
Doing yoga everyday since Monday has been rewarding. I purposely did this for my bday week. Its my gift to myself and the world. I learn more and more each day as I enjoy the quiet stillness. I am also getting what I want from the universe. Last night a blessing manifested and I am so grateful. I see my life unfolding beautifully as I declare that I am the most sought after MetaCoach. My physical body does not define me. My soul does. And all is well.
I see life without judgment now. I see people with high regard. We are all beautiful creations. As I dedicated my intentions to support all my coachees 100% in practice today, I know I will make a better coach. And as I try to focus my energy with positive things the stronger I transcend my vibration to the universe. And as I take this lesson with me to the outside world, I welcome success, prosperity and abundance. While I keep love, peace and joy in my heart, I can achieve anything.
I am truly grateful.
September 15
I now know for sure, that yoga has transformed not only me but my life as a whole. I'm very focused now. So focused that I've been getting clients for training and coaching left and right. My sense of being mindful and grounded center has brought me in such a deep level of love, peace, joy and abundance that the opposite of all these has no space in me. I'm sure I'm in the right journey that no amount of tremors in my body can stop me from achieving my highest and grandest version of me.
Live, laugh and love what you have.
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