Tuesday, 4 September 2012

August 1 to 15

August 1: Hot A with Aisa

If there are good days, today was definitely on of them.  No tremors at all today!

August 2: Flow with Tina

Flowed through Tina's class today.  I accomplished a lot in my work day because of my good practice this morning.

August 3: Hot A with Aisa

I feel like the elasticity of my muscles are slowly coming back because of all this yoga.  I even wore high heels to work today!  It gets better every single day.  I am even able to bind at the fingertips with some poses.  I love days like this.  Minimal tremors and great flexibility. 

August 4: Flow with Emma

Flow with Emma was great today.  One breath, one pose.  Hardly any tremors today.  I loved the last 5 minutes of Savasana.  Still does a lot of relaxing to the mind and body.

August 6: no class

There will be regular practice tomorrow.

August 8: Hot B with Ryan and Power Hour with Mae

No yoga for 3 days nearly drove me nuts. That's why today, I decided to do Hot B and Power Hour.  It's like my body has muscle memorized yoga already. It's a relieving kind of joy to my stiff muscles to come back to yoga.  It craves the thawing experience each practice gives. I'll switch back to doing it daily. 

August 9: Power Hour with Mae

Hot power hour!  The sun is out, rain has stopped, what more can I ask for. Great practice today. Stretchy and improved on standing bow pose.  Yay!

August 11: Ashtanga with Mae

Todays Led Ashtanga with Mae was full of energy, balance and flexibility.  Makes me so happy!  And the sweat makes me feel healthier than ever. 

August 12: Hot B with Ryan

Hot B with Ryan today was awesome. Improved on my bow pose today. My stamina is restored, in fact I did plyometrics yesterday and did fine, though BP was up at 174/109. But all is well after Hot B. 

August 13: Yin with Donna

Meditative yoga today was very calming. Staying in a pose for 5-9 minutes at a time helped control the shaking. Being more conscious of my breathing makes me calmer.

August 14: Astanga with Neil

I believe the journey has truly began. My body is telling me so much. With the help of yoga I am more conscious of how I think, feel and see. I listen to my body more and its capacity. I catch myself folding deeper and deeper each practice. Todays endless chaturanga, up dog and down dog seems lighter as well. Headstand might take a while, but its only a matter of time. Ill get there sooner than later. 

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